BunkerHead …?


BunkerHead LLC is a family-owned business.  Technically speaking, I believe it is accurate to describe that BunkerHead’s “origins” actually began nearly 50 years ago when my wife (Peggy) and I, decided we wanted to supplement Santa’s annual delivery to our five little boys, with a few special items of our own personal making.  Those original “products” were home-made wooden toys – planes, boats, and cars!

Quite happily, our gifts were very well received by our boys, as well as several of the neighborhood children.  Before we knew it, our efforts evolved into a successful side business of “…quality toys for girls and boys! That side business grew and would, over the years, provide much needed financial support to our family.  More importantly, Peggy and I believe the family business helped us teach our five boys many valuable life lessons, including – hard work, pride, respect for the boss(es), and the meaning of service-oriented!

With at least a taste of “self-employment” and “home-grown pride” firmly implanted in their souls, our five little boys went out and did just like everyone else does.  They grew up, they got careers, they got married, they got kids (or dogs), ……well, I’m sure you know that part of this story!  Fortunately for Peggy and me, our boys’ paths never took them far from each other, or us.

Being a very resourceful and innovative bunch, our many family gatherings over the years were often punctuated with at least one of the members taking the opportunity to introduce their latest “great idea”.  With each of us loving the outdoors, inevitably most of our ideas had something to do with hunting, fishing, or camping.  For years our homes, campsites, and hunting cabins have been littered with every sort of camouflage prototype one can imagine!

In 2011, during one particular warm and muggy duck hunting trip near the Gulf Coast, one of our little boys (now age 49), decided he could no longer take the discomfort and irritation of the current-day camouflage hunting masks.  Ripping it from his head in utter frustration, he tossed it as far from the blind as he could muster!  For the next several minutes he rubbed his face and neck and swore he would never again wear one of those horrible devices, even if it meant he never shot another duck the rest of his life!  Understanding his discomforts completely, the other hunters sympathized with him for several minutes, and then they insisted he go get the mask and put it back on because the ducks were heading their way!

Motivated by the discomforts and irritations of the existing camouflage hunting face masks, the Bullocks decided there has got to be a better way!  For several months after that ominous duck hunt, the family, now happily including grandsons and granddaughters, came together designing, prototyping, fabricating, adjusting, cajoling, re-designing, and re-protyping, until finally, the BunkerHead System™ was born! As you will find, the BunkerHead System™ goes well beyond improving just the hunting face mask.

We at BunkerHead are very proud of our products and the reviews they have been getting.  We truly believe that their versatility, comfort, and simplicity will revolutionize what people come to expect from their favorite baseball cap!  Be it hunting, fishing, working, or relaxing, we are very confident the BunkerHead System™ will enhance your every outdoor experience. Just like the days of those quality wooden toys, we look forward to doing our part to make your family’s outdoor experiences all the more enjoyable and successful.